(c) Copyright 2003 Marcelo Russo  Locutor. Voice over Talent. Spanish Voiceover. Radio & Television.

powered by Marcelo Russo. Locutor, Voice over talent. Spanish Voiceover. Radio & Television.


MARCELO RUSSO, VOICE OVER TALENT, SPANISH VOICEOVER. I'm 40 years old, and my license is the number 3094 of the Federal Committee of Argentinean Broadcasting, I obtained my degree of Radio and Television National Announcer, in the Radio Teaching National Institute (ISER). Professional voiceover talent with 15 years of trajectory. Specialized as advertising and promotional TV's voiceover talent. With ample experience in Animation of musical events, artistic and corporative. With a voice and style that include an ample creative phantom, from shining locutions, sport, touching, to most intimist, sober and elegant voiceover. To offer the best voice over talent narrator services in Spanish, in whom not only the voice timbre is impressive, but also the ductility and harmony of the interpretation, and of voiceover. Actually, Titular Teacher of Locucion by ISEC, Instituto Sudamericado para la Enseñanza de la Comunicación. Destacado en la Guía de locutores argentinos. CANAL 13 (Artear) Buenos Aires, on air promos ATC (Argentina Televisora Color), on air promos, voiceover ISAT (Claxson), on air promos SPACE (Claxson), on air promos CABLEVISION Buenos Aires, on air promos UNISERIES/RETRO (Claxson), on air promos AMERICA Radio AM1190 Buenos Aires, on air promos SPLENDID Radio Buenos Aires, on air promos "LA NOTICIA REBELDE" programa de TV, voces/voices IMPACTO FM Radio Buenos Aires, conductor NACIONAL Radio Buenos Aires, locutor/news announcer Comerciales/commercials Radio & TV, Tv & Radio on air promos, Radio Imaging, Trailers, CD & DVD Multimedia.